That's nice, but a bite long to start. I think that, to let people know it's a serious creation (because it is), you have two or three things to had.
Too had a loading page, go on the download section of newground, on top. You'll find preloaders's files, in fla. Follow the instruction to had it.
During the preloading time and right after it, you shoul had the title of your film, making it clear and evident. Had your name too. Be proud of your creation.
Last thing, too make your movie a movie... a mean, not a loop, you can had a stop effect at the very final frame. Look for flash didactial. They'll give you several easy-to-use codes, such as the stop one. If you don't find it, the preloader will do the job. At the end of your vid', it will automaticly return to the preloader. The button play will wait for the viewers to click on it!
Continu, dear. You have such a lot of potential. Use it well by imporving your technics.