You may want to include payment info, its unlikely you will get something this specific for free
Age 31, Female
Arts and Studies
Joined on 1/20/10
You may want to include payment info, its unlikely you will get something this specific for free
Sadly, we can't offer any payment for now. All we can offer at the moment is the opportunity to collaborate in a project that will end up on the app store. If we ever end up adding a certain form of payment in the game itself, we will find an arrangement with the composer.
Ooh, which OS? I have a Windows Phone, so lemme know which OS I need to mug someone for.
PS I DID write you back!
You oughtta enlist me for this, Sunnygirl! Dunno how though, but you know, in sooommee way.
You DID? :D
Just for that, I'm sending you a message telling you exactly what I need for the voice department.
And the answer is "iPad". It's just a start tough. If it turns out well, we want to tweek it to fit on a larger range of mobiles.